12.02.2021 ob 22:22
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Cortina d’Ampezzo (BL), 12 February 2021 – Can we give civic education to children through a World Championship? How can we use sport and the fascination of races to transmit values to the little ones (and also to their parents)? The answer to these questions is a leaflet featuring our twelve words – an illustrated journey by institutions and private involvement.

A project everyone agreed on, aware of the importance of leaving a mark also on the younger generations.  12 words, like the months of the year, each of them enriched by an illustration of Davide Baldoni, in collaboration with Sportfund. A concrete testimony that aims to make young people and adults reflect on central themes. Our twelve words start from an idea by Stefania Berbenni, journalist and communication expert, and author of the texts. It starts with Environment and finishes with Sport. In between, the words Community, Care, Young People, Diversity, Together, Italy, World, Mountain, Nature, Town. Featuring in the leaflet, Milla, a little girl with a prosthesis leg (from the project Arriva Milla! By Sportfund- Alberto Benchimol). 

Printed versions of our twelve words are distributed in Cortina during the days of the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships (7-21 February), at the Tofana Lounge in Rumerlo by the finish line, to athletes, at Casa Veneto, in hotels, shops, at the media centre, and at the Fondazione Cortina 2021 and, above all, in schools. Our twelve words have also been translated into English. (ends)